I am at a loss today as to where to draw the line on Christmas gifts for Delaney. This is the first year that she has really been able to say what she wants and gets really heartfelt about it. Of course, everything she sees, she wants. And she gets that little sparkle in her eyes!
I've already bought her more than I had intended on. I had a Santa gift for her and then we went and saw Santa and she asked for something totally different, and that was alot more than I wanted to spend, but what did I do the next day... Of course, like any mother, I arranged for Santa to bring her the John Deer Scooter she asked for.
For some odd reason, while part of my brain tells me kids shouldn't get everything they ask for, what happens in their little minds when they don't get it? Are they dissapointed on Christmas morning? I feel compelled to never have her want for anything, I never did as a child, I am pretty sure I got everything I ever asked for and more, however, my parents were alot "better off" than I am...
Today she asked me pretty please for the Santa and reindeer lawn blow up teeter totter...It was $99. She went on for 20 minutes how she just really wanted it. I have had a lump in the pit of my stomach all day because I can not afford to buy it for her..Why though, I don't EVER want a stupid lawn blow up! UGH.
I need to figure something out before next year...this girls gonna kill me finacially!