Friday, December 12, 2008

The 3 year old who wants everything..where to draw the line

I am at a loss today as to where to draw the line on Christmas gifts for Delaney. This is the first year that she has really been able to say what she wants and gets really heartfelt about it. Of course, everything she sees, she wants. And she gets that little sparkle in her eyes!

I've already bought her more than I had intended on. I had a Santa gift for her and then we went and saw Santa and she asked for something totally different, and that was alot more than I wanted to spend, but what did I do the next day... Of course, like any mother, I arranged for Santa to bring her the John Deer Scooter she asked for.

For some odd reason, while part of my brain tells me kids shouldn't get everything they ask for, what happens in their little minds when they don't get it? Are they dissapointed on Christmas morning? I feel compelled to never have her want for anything, I never did as a child, I am pretty sure I got everything I ever asked for and more, however, my parents were alot "better off" than I am...

Today she asked me pretty please for the Santa and reindeer lawn blow up teeter totter...It was $99. She went on for 20 minutes how she just really wanted it. I have had a lump in the pit of my stomach all day because I can not afford to buy it for her..Why though, I don't EVER want a stupid lawn blow up! UGH.

I need to figure something out before next year...this girls gonna kill me finacially!


Char said...

I'm soooo glad that you wrote a new blog, I've been waiting!

As for the gifts.... My kids are getting 1 Santa gift, 1 from us, and 1 that they bought each other. The grandparents are filling in the gaps. But we keep telling Millie that Santa can't bring her everything, only 1 thing from Santa.
Lately it's been "I wanna REAL kitty"
"Sorry Millie, santa can't bring that, the kitty would get to cold in his sleigh"
"Nuh uh Mommy, Santa can put it in a box"
OMG- it just never ends, does it???!!!

Aimée said...

I think she will be so happy with the things she does get that she will not even remember or notice the things that are not there.

I have a lot of good Christmas memories and none of them center around a particular gift I recieved or did not recieve. When she is grown the thing she will remember the most is the time you spent with her.

Jackie said...

Christmas becomes so fun with a 3-year-old! Having them "get it" just reminds you of the magic of the holiday. The hard part of them "getting it" is the gift aspect. Tyler keeps saying he wants a Diego Rescue Pack... which he already has. I still don't think he'll be disappointed when it doesn't turn up under the tree.

Amie said...

Emerson is doing the same thing! She wants everything. She'll get a few of her wishes, but not all of them. And I'd wager she'll be perfectly happy on Christmas and after with what she gets. I think as long as you gift a few of the "wants", you're ok. If you give them everything, you might set them up for disappointment later in life!

Holly said...

Oh Syd, I swear I could have written this myself! My son is so much like this and it really bothers me. Here lately, not just for Christmas, but in general he has been so much a pain about wanting everything he sees. He thinks we have a lot of money and frankly we don't have an endless supply(like any family). I told him just the other day that he was so ungrateful! When he gets one thing he always wants something else, something bigger, the newest this or that. I finally drew the line this year and did exactly like Char said, he is getting one present from Santa a race track and cars, one from us- A hoodie, towels and Washclothes(I know mommy presents are boring) and one from Madalyn(what he calls bad men, like Hulk). That's all I am doing. Keep in mind that they only play with them a few times and are done with them. She will be thankful just to spend time with you all on Christmas. She may not appreciate it now, but once she is grown up she will! Thanks for writing this!

Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

are you sure that's not hannah? lol