8 years ago today was the best day of my life. It was Perfect. I had over 200 friends and family watch me marry the man of my dream. Wow! When I look back what a ride! I can't believe it's been 8 years. The life changes we've been through have just been amazing. Most so happy and profound, and some gut-wrenching. But we've made it through. We've had 2 of the most beautiful children on the face of the planet and I couldn't ask for anymore in my dream for a family.

The last 2 years have been the hardest. It was all cake walk before then. We all know that my dad passed away almost 2 years ago, and it seems everything has been downhill since then. Our friends and family try to encourage us that things will get better, and I know they will, we just don't know when. As Mike pursues job opportunities it will be interesting to see what direction life sends us in.
We keep hearing the quote "God leads you to it and He'll lead you through it"
This struck home yesterday as I got a text from Mike that said "Come on God, you can do it" That litterally brought tears to my eyes.
I try to tell myself the roads ahead are open. I went to visit my dad today in his "niche in the wall". Tried to get guidance on what path to take. I had my moment and now I will move on withe the rest of my day. Upon returning to my office, my awesome husband and adorable kids were there waiting for me with a huge bouquet of flowers. :)
I am blessed beyond belief by my husband and my children. Its time to start a new chapter. Look out world right.
that made me cry! You are so amazing Sydni, I don't know how you keep on lookin' up and continue being so encouraging to others! You desreve your big break! "C'mon God, you can do it!"
Glad you're back, Syd! You guys WILL get through this. Follow your dreams! And congrats on 8 years!
aw i missed this cause i was traveling! congratulations and stop making me tear up!
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