Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why can't my brain be a memory stick..

While I think I have a really great memory, its the most important things in life I can't seem to pull out of mothballs...

Last night at 1:32 am I was feeding Tristan laying in bed. He is the sweetest baby ever, and had his little hands linked, as if he was praying and was just nursing away... While I normally am begging to go back to sleep, I just layed there staring at his precious face and those little hands... I just started praying myself... "God please let me remember this moment forever"

Its not one of those moments you have a camera near by, ya know.

I am sure I had a million moments like that with Delaney and I just can't seem to remember how it all felt and looked. I would give anything to have those memories back, and now I am afraid I won't remember how Tristan looks, feels, and smells. It is not only bittersweet, but somewhat heartbreaking...


Char said...

yes, I know.

Why Oh Why can we not remember those precious short-lived moments?

Aimée said...

Savor them...