Thursday, January 15, 2009

I really want to win...

The lottery. My life would be PERFECT if I didn't have debt and bills! I have the best Husband, best kids ever, and a perfect-for-me house, perfect-for-me car, perfect job, perfect little life...

But theres this whole other side I hate called "Reality of being an adult"
I remember my parents talking about this....

You guessed it, today was payday...and that was shortlived, I watched in walk in- and walk RIGHT back out of my checkbook! Booo!!!

I don't want to be a millionaire by any means, just want enough to pay the debts I have and work just for entertainment and to do fun things with my kids.

I guess I will just keep buying tickets and praying... pathetic I know.

1 comment:

Aimée said...

We all feel that way.