Oy! that's right. A bear. A big Bear.
So 22 months we made it with no real co-sleeping to speak of. (only because it took us about 4 years to get Delaney OUT of our bed) Of course Tristan slept a few hours here and there when he was an infant. But pretty much since 6 months old he's been in his own bed.
Over the last few weeks, he keeps "popping up" next to me. 4,5,6 am.
Last night he came in at 3:00. He gets out of bed, tip toes down the hall, binky and woobie in tow. Climbs the stairs into our bed, pulls back the sheets and snuggles up next to us. I laid there thinking, how did we end up here. all the sudden every night its a little more time he's in bed with us. I can't really say I didn't enjoy my little boy snuggling for 3 hours till he finally fell back hard asleep and scooted over by daddy.
I guess one day he'll be too big and won't want to snuggle with mama anymore.
Awwwww. Sweet little T wants his mama!
aww I love it!!
he looks so much like mike!
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